
Antighost at the 2nd Rollerderby Homebout of the Rhein-Neckar Delta Quads

Oh boy, that was awesome! The Rhein-Neckar Delta Quads played the Rollergirls of the Apocalypse form Kaiserslautern in their 2. homebout and almost won (I think in the end it was only 20 points difference). That was a great success for that young team against a seasoned league like the RGA! Congratulations! As last time we had a little Antighost poster-stall to help add atmosphere and were basically screaming all the time (while having a couple of beers)! Thanks a lot girls!

I also created a new Rollerderby poster for the bout. As soon as I took some decent pics I will add it to the portfolio and store. It was only an edition of 20 and quite a few have been sold at the game. so if you are interested, send me an email and I’ll reserve one for you.